Bitácora poético/cletera...que es lo mismo ni es igual
Journal for poetry and cycling lovers ...that is the same yet it's not equal

sábado, 16 de marzo de 2013

OPUSCULARIO matriz ha dado a luz al segundo integrante de la Familia Opuscular...en este día, 
"Landscapes" da su segundo aliento a la serie Opusculario

 ...the womb has given birth to the second member of the Opuscule Family...this day, 
"Landscapes" gives his second breath to the Opusculario series (poetic brochures)

domingo, 10 de marzo de 2013

from "Landscapes", by David Lethei


as the leaves
beneath the storm

as the eyes
before the light

are floating
all the thoughts
all the lives

are merging
to the landscape
of the instant.

included in / incluído en "Landscapes", second part of / segunda pieza de la serie Opusculario

lunes, 4 de marzo de 2013

Trinidad - por/by Miguel

{ Trinidad }                               { Trinity }

Fueron tres sonidos                Were three sounds;
Uno que salió                         one, that came out
Uno que entró                        one, that went in
Y otro que rebotó                   and another one, that bounced.

Hubo tres silencios                 There were, three silences
El del hombre                         one from the man
El del niño                             one from the child
Y el del cobarde                     and one from the coward.

Habían tres almas                   There were, three souls
La mutua                               the mutual one,
La grande                              the big one,
Y la esencial                          and the essential.

Hay tres yo                            There is, three of myself
El que hizo                             the one that made,
El que será                             the one that will be,
Y el que escribe.                     and the one that writes.

Habían tres tercios                  There were, three thirds
El de los desprecios                the one of despising,
El de los conformistas             the one of the conformists,
Y el de los libertarios               and the one of the libertarians.

Encontraron tres animales         Were found, three animals
Los de carne                           those with flesh
Los de hueso                          those with bone,
Los de grasa                           those with fat.

Eran tres los dioses                  There were three, those the gods
El espíritu                               the Spirit
El padre                                  the Father, 
El hijo                                     the Son.

Son tres las olvidadas               Three are, the forgotten
La carne                                 the Flesh,
La madre                                the Mother,
La hija                                    the Daughter.

Guardaron mis tres llantos       Kept safe, my three mournings 
Los ojos                               the eyes,
Las mejillas                           the cheeks,
Y las lágrimas                       and the tears. 

publicado en la bitácora / published in the blog