Bitácora poético/cletera...que es lo mismo ni es igual
Journal for poetry and cycling lovers ...that is the same yet it's not equal

sábado, 27 de abril de 2013

Infinite - by Nicolás Lobo

Seeing the landscape, to find you somewhere
and I just can’t deal with my own reflection
and with all this, and the movement
it’s like a confusion
and with all this, with your movement
it’s like a confession
can you be my God?
I would be down on my knees
for you, all day
for you, all night;
there’s no time or space anymore
there’s no life or death anymore
there’s no ending for this feeling
there’s no greater infinite than this.

A contribution by Nicolás Lobo...thank you for sharing!
Photo by Carlos Hernández 

jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

we are, what we were...we were, what we´ll be

Esta es la Historia:

Marina Abramovic y Ulay fueron amantes por allá por los '70.
Se amaron con locura y recorrieron el mundo juntos
desarrollando su arte arriba de una van Citroen.

En algún momento decidieron que su relación ya no daba para más,
y decidieron terminarla con otra acción artística;
cada uno iba a pararse en un extremo de la Gran Muralla China,
y la iban a recorrer a pie para encontrarse en el medio,
darse un abrazo y seguir su camino.

Siempre se amaron,
mas nunca se volvieron a ver ni a contactar entre ellos.

En el 2010 el MoMA hizo una retrospectiva con el arte de Abramovic,
y parte de la performance era el estar sentada
en una mesa frente a cualquier extraño,
durante un minuto, sin decirse una palabra, y mirarse.

Ulay llegó a verla.

This is the story:

Marina Abramovic and Ulay were lovers along the 70´s.
They loved each other madly and travelled together around the world, 

always developing their art upon a van Citroen.

In one point they decided that their relationship should be ended
and they decided to finish it, with another action of art;
each one of them, was going to begin in one extreme of the Great Wall of China,
and they were going to walk through it by foot, until they meet in the middle,
hug each other, and keep going in each way.

Since then, they love each other
but they didn´t talk, made any contact, or saw each other never again.

In 2010, the MOMA made a retrospective with Abramovic´s art,
and a piece of the performance was that Abramovic would be sitting,
next to a table, facing any stranger that may come,
during one minute, without saying a word, but just looking at each other.

Ulay came to see her.