Bitácora poético/cletera...que es lo mismo ni es igual
Journal for poetry and cycling lovers ...that is the same yet it's not equal

martes, 14 de agosto de 2012

Sembradores - por/by David Lethei

Nosotros, los sembradores                 We, the seeders

Compañeros, amigos, se cruzan hoy          Comrades, friends, today our roads
nuestros caminos                                   are crossed;
no cesaremos                                        we shall not cease
de pedalear                                           the everlasting pedaling.

nos hermana la vieja causa                      It bonds us the old cause
de los comprometidos                            of the committed ones
los que nunca flaquearon                        those, that never wavered
ni dejaron de andar                                and neither ceased to keep walking.

somos cientos de miles                          We´re hundreds of thousands
los que mirando a la cara                        those who sustain the glance
aún solemos hablar                                when we speak

los que cambiando nosotros                    that in the act of changing ourselves
seguimos creyendo                                still we believe
que al mundo podemos cambiar               that we can change the world.

pues cuando cesen                                Because when they cease    
los viejos hombres                                 the bitter old men
mil de millones                                       thousand of millions
nos seguirán                                         will follow us

por las calles del mundo                          through the streets of the world
henos miríada de voces                           we´re myriad of voices
cantamos de una política                         already all singing
de segundo orden                                  of a second-order politic

nosotros poetas                                     we, poets
ciudadanos del mundo                            citizens of the world
seamos el Hombre que despierta               let us be the man who wakes
de esta desidia abismal                            of this abysmal apathy

seamos volcán que intrauterino                 we shall be intrauterine volcanoe
sacuda hábil y transmute                         one that will brake and transmute
esta global fatalidad                                this global fatality

para que así cuando cesemos                   so that, when we´ll be gone
nosotros viejos, por nuestra grey              we the old ones, because of our flock
millar de millones                                    a billion
podamos ser.                                         shall we be.

Compañeros, amigos                               Comrades, friends
nuestros caminos                                   our roads
se cruzan hoy                                        now intersect.

hemos sido llamados                              We are called
a contar la Historia                                 to tell the History
de los días que vendrán                          of the days to come

henos aquí convocados                           here we are reunited
a trascender el odio                                to transcend hatred
que es tan hoy día habitual                      that is so common today

salgamos juntos                                     let us go out together
a pedalear, a marchar                               let us pedal and let us march
por la humanidad                                    for the sake of mankind

porque está llamado                                ´cause it have been summoned
a sembrar futuro                                     to plant the future
nuestro seguro andar                              our certain ride.

compañeros, amigos                                Colleagues, friends
pedaleros, estudiantes                             cyclers and students
sigamos siempre adelante                         let us always follow later
porque de nuestras banderas                    because of our flags
y de nuestras quimeras                            and our chimeras
que hermoso futuro                                 what a beautiful future
habrá de brotar,                                      will sprout,

pues hemos sido aunados                        for we have been united
el día de hoy convocados                        this day we are convened
a no dejar de sembrar.                             to allow to the seed become tree.

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