Bitácora poético/cletera...que es lo mismo ni es igual
Journal for poetry and cycling lovers ...that is the same yet it's not equal

viernes, 22 de junio de 2012

Minerva -por/by David Lethei

MINERVA                                                                        MINERVA
¡Ah, esto de tener memoria!                           Oh, this enduring memory!           
de poro y labio, y de ojo y de ombligo de      one of pore and of lip, and of eye and of navel of
este mundo, que es abismo                            this world, that is indeed, just an unreachable
infranqueable;                                               abyss;
porque sin duda que acaezco al silencio           ´cause there’s no doubt, that I fall to be silence
y al hálito turbio                                             and to the misty breath
de tu lengua al centro                                    of thy tongue at the center
y en el borde el agua de las caracolas…           and on the edge, the water of the shells…
Que en reposo busca mi dedo bardo                That even resting, does searchs my bard finger
desoyendo la tumba y el sometimiento            unhearing the grave and the submission
en pos del gemido del pétalo                           towards the petal’s moaning
del zumo vulvo de las mucosas                       by the ambrosia of the membranes
indómito, insomne e intenso                           untamed, intense and sleepless
se abalanzan huestes, colores, sonidos            rushing ahead armies, colours and sounds
vaivenes de hembra, de mujer en sangre         swings of female, of woman in blood
de abertura y pulso y de cuchillo carne…          of slit and pulse, and of flesh knife…
Esto que a la quietud entorpece                      This that to the stillness disturbs
que repica fóbico, espinal y áurico                   that phobic peals, auric and spinal
que vierte este hambre                                   that it pours this hunger
a mis bocas y esferas                                     to my mouths and spheres
que se torna en ti                                          that it turns, into you,
voracidad y magma                                        voracity and magma
la memoria de los sentidos                             the memory of the senses
las papilas del habla                                       the papillas of the speak
las pupilas de Ovidio                                       the pupils of Ovidio
esta caída imperturbable                                 this unflappable falling
este rasgar de hilos                                        this tearing of the thread
nos atraviesa el hambre                                  it cross us, the hunger
la sed y ansía                                                 the thirst, and the longing
de este devorador firmamento                         of this ravenous firmament
tu saliva de luz                                               thy saliva of light
licua mis olvidos                                             that liquidize my oblivions
desgarra mi ardor                                           and it rips, my heat
este sentir corroído                                         this corroded feeling
de silbido y Dios                                             of whistle and God
este exquisito surco oscuro                             this exquisit dark furrow
agridulce el de tus cuatro bocas                      soursweet, of thy four mouths
y tu sabor profundo                                       and thy profound taste
de estrella profana                                        of profane star
¡Ah! Esto de tener memoria…                         Oh! This enduring memory…
Que me esclavizo al quejido                           That to the groan, enslaves me
de tu espiral de ocaso                                    to thy spiral twilight
constelada Minerva.                                       constellated Minerva.

(incluído en / included in "Namaste" -poemario / poems)

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